wholesome culture
About Us
Wear something good
To the cultivators of good things, the ones who care. To those taking responsibility for what we love about living well on our precious planet. We made this for you: A movement. A culture. An opportunity to create change. So we can make sustainable decisions, and be a little more mindful each day. So we can live our lives in a much kinder way. So you can act on what you believe, and inspire others to do the same. In these clothes, you’re doing something good. Embrace it. And wear that good thing well.

For the collective good
We’re here to bring positive people together to do good and feel good in inspiring clothes that are responsibly made. By lifting each other up, and having fun along the way, we can grow a Wholesome Culture of influence in a world eager for change.

Created to take care
From joyful designs to responsible operations, our business is built on caring for the things we love about living well on this planet. So, we weave environmental sustainability into our products. It’s what inspires our happy, healthy, comfortable aesthetic, and keeps us accountable to the future of our planet.

A well-being company
Since 2016, from our home in Canada, we’ve grown our lifestyle brand into a real opportunity to support positive change. We know we’re not perfect, and there’s a long way to go. But, through honest collaboration and by standing for causes we believe in, we empower each other to take better care of ourselves, the earth, and all its living things.